The dogs in our program depend on people like you!
Their stories are all different but their needs are the same. Our compassionate volunteers work tirelessly to provide for them. For many, it is a passionate endeavor to make life better for both the dogs and the people who adopt them. Like all rescues, our success depends on their
continued efforts and the contributions of caring people. Together we can make a difference in the lives of many.
New Spirit 4 Aussie Rescue, Inc is a 501(c)(3).
Your donations are tax deductible.
We’re grateful for any level of support!

Donate in Honor or Memory of A Loved One *
We all know someone special someone we admire and love.
A charitable gift can be a meaningful way to express your appreciation.
It is a gift that continues to live on in the lives of the dogs that are saved.
- Honor the memory of a loved one or the loss of a treasured pet
- Send a gift to someone on a special occasion, such as a birthday, graduation, holiday or wedding.
When you make a donation in honor of a person or pet,
the person you designate will receive a personalized note card from
New Spirit 4 Aussie Rescue recognizing your donation that includes
the story of a New Spirit Aussie.
the person you designate will receive a personalized note card from
New Spirit 4 Aussie Rescue recognizing your donation that includes
the story of a New Spirit Aussie.
Make A General Donation *
You are welcome to donate in the name of a specific dog.
Any money donated above and beyond the needs of that dog
will go to other program dogs needing extra help.
Donations By Mail
Please mail checks payable to:
New Spirit 4 Aussie Rescue
Mail To:
New Spirit 4 Aussie Rescue
PO Box 26315
Collegeville, PA 19426-9998
*Florida residents are advised that New Spirit is not registered under the Florida Solicitation of Contributions Act (Chapter 469 Fla Statutes) to solicit contributions from Florida residents. Accordingly, nothing on the website should be construed as a solicitation from a Florida resident.
That being said, nothing in Florida law prohibits any Floridian from contributing to any cause he or she supports, provided that it is a lawful activity, and done voluntarily. And by coincidence, no Pennsylvania law precludes New Spirit from accepting donations from out of state residents.